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Meet Joey "Jo'E" Ramotaur | Professional Artist / Producer

Joey "Jo'E" Ramotaur | RedLand Entertainment | Age 28

Richmond Hill, NY | Orlando, Florida

Jo'E, please tell us about yourself.

I am an Artiste/Producer specializing in a variety of different genres. I've been in music since I was born coming from a family of musicians (The Ramoutar Family) and my father taught me to play piano and sing starting at the age of 3 years old. I got my initial start in music production at 8 years old with my uncles (Linus & David) & my dad (Joseph) most famously known for their popular recordings of Fowl Cock ah knock ah drum & Rosehall Town, The rest is pretty much history.

Amazing! What is the most important factor behind your success?

I feel like there are 2 important factors, that being my family and friends continued support and my dedication to my craft. the people surrounding us have such major parts to play in the outcome of our success. Also having tunnel vision when it comes to your meeting your goals is crucial. I define my success not by my achievements but the fulfillment of reaching my goals and enjoying my life.

Wow! How do you approach teamwork and collaboration with others?

Just try to make it fun. No one wants to work in stressful or complicated environments especially in this industry. I can guarantee if you make the best out of the situation with who ever you're working with you will create magic.

What is your favorite quote of all time, and why?

"You get what you work for not what you wish for." has to be one of them. Nothing that I have ever had of value has come to me by just wishing for it. chase the things you want out of life literally nothing is impossible. impossible is just a mindset.

Special Shoutouts:

Shout out to anyone who's been a part of my journey from the ones who've been here for years and the ones that just got here. Y'all fuel the incredible fire that is my life.

Is there anything you currently have in the works or any recent accomplishments you'd like to brief the audience about?

There is a never ending supply of music coming lol

At last, any advice for the readers?

Whatever you're doing, just don't give up. It's usually right after your toughest battles you see your greatest rewards. we are all here for a purpose. I've found mine so make sure you find yours and give yourself everything good that life has to offer.

Contact Jo'E:

For Bookings please contact my manager Devin Nandlall on Facebook or at (407)-803-9992

You can also Follow me on Social Media at the following

Facebook - Joey Ramoutar

Instagram/TikTok - @its_Jo.E

Youtube - Jo'E


Story By: Navendra "NaviTheRemixer" Boodhan

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