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Meet Tiffany"Dj Teezer" Baksh - DJ

Updated: Jul 30

Tiffany Baksh | Dj Teezer| Age 30

Orlando, FL

Tiffany, please tell us about yourself.

Hey everyone! My name is Tiffany. I am passionate with music and enjoy being creative and mixing genres together. I grew up listening to old school music from Soca, Bollywood, Dancehall, & HipHop. I started to dj when I was about 13/14 at Club Tobago Restaurant in Orlando. I started with Denon DJ DN-D4500 and Behringer mixer and having like 3-4 cd cases and looking through them and having the tracks written on the cd and having the labels. Like other dj's, I practiced in my room and learned how to craft up crates and mixes. Being a DJ is a fun hobby for me and keeps me busy aside from my career. I love being a female DJ because I want to continue encouraging those other female's that they can show their talent and it will be recognized. The years of hard work can definitely pay off.

What is the most important factor behind your success?

Hard work pays off. Being a female dj in a male dominated industry is hard but putting in the work can prove your talent. Although as a female dj, of course the equipment is much heavier than me so I have to get gigs setup already and just bring my controller or my brother-in-law comes and helps me setup. But even though some female dj's may see the equipment and labor as a blocker, I will say push through it because there is a solution for it.

How do you approach teamwork and collaboration with others?

Being a member of Elite Soundz, although we are spread out from New York to Florida, we definitely hold down with our teamwork and collaboration. Communication is my main key factor for teamwork. I do my best to communication with team on music, equipment , etc. We keep in the loop and set goals for the entire team.

How do you spend your day, or what does an ordinary day look like for you?

My day usually starts with work. I have a pretty flexible schedule as I work from home. I go through a couple meetings in the morning. After that, I talk with my clients regarding gigs and organize some of my crates. Towards the afternoon, I pick up my niece from school and while she relaxes from her day, I usually spend some time practicing mixing and try out new things with some genres and if I notice myself making mistakes, I practice until perfection. Towards the ending of the day, I spend some time with my nephew and niece. At night, I watch a documentary or show.

Special Shoutouts:

My Sister: She has taught me to know my worth. She has always supported me and pushed me to be better than I was yesterday. She's been there since day one when I started to dj and she has been a great support system. She's seen be build through the industry and have helped me put together ideas to keep myself different.

My Parents: They have supported that I have a talent that also is a hustle. They always kept me on the track of making sure I get my education first and career.

EliteSoundz: Big Shoutout to DJ Backdrop from EliteSoundz. He has given me a chance to show my talent. He has been there for me, helped me and supported me and continue to do so. EliteSoundz are my brothers. I thank them for always pushing and supporting me.

Clients: I am grateful for my clients that I get booked with. No matter how small or big the crowd is they always provide great feedback to me and continue to support me in my business.

WRO Family for this opportunity. It's great to see a team of talent pushed out the culture and beyond.

At last, any advice for the readers?

Get your education but still have your hustle. Don't under estimate YOUR brand.

Continue to be creative and provide different flavors of what you practice. Being different is a good thing.

Contact Dj Teezer:

Instagram: @original_djteezer


Story By: Navendra "NaviTheRemixer" Boodhan

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